Chinese scientists will soon begin analyzing samples from the Moon's south pole.

A 1.935 kg sample collected from the dark side of the Moon was delivered to Earth by a capsule of the Chang'e 6 mission on June 25, making China the first country in the world to do so.

These samples of the moon's south pole have been preserved in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where researchers will try to understand the history of the moon and the secrets of the solar system.

The first samples of the dark side of the moon have unique scientific significance, the China National Space Administration said in a statement on June 28.

According to the statement, this will help us understand the evolution of the moon while also speeding up the process of exploring the moon and exploiting its resources.

Note that this part of the moon is not called dark because there is no light, but because there are no details about it, it is called dark or hidden.

So what is the significance of these patterns?

This region of the Moon is not visible from Earth and is quite different from the bright side.

That is why it is believed that the geological history of this region of the Moon will be different from the bright side and that much can be known about the Moon's past there.

In the past, American and Russian missions focused more on the bright side of the Moon.

China's Chang'e-4 was the first mission to land on the dark side of the moon in 2018, but it was not sent to retrieve samples.