Preparations for today's general elections in Great Britain have been completed, the people will vote today to elect their rulers.

For the 650 seats in the Parliament, there will be competition between the opposition Labor Party, the ruling Conservative Party, the Liberal Democratic Party, the Scottish National Party, the Reforms and other political parties and more than 4,500 independent candidates.

British Pakistani candidates are also in the field in the elections, in the last elections 15 British Pakistanis were successful in the election and became part of the Parliament.

Out of a total of 650 seats, 533 are from England, 59 from Scotland, 40 from Wales and 18 from Northern Ireland.

Polling for the general elections will continue uninterrupted from 7 am to 10 pm local time, while the election results will be announced on July 5.

More than 40,000 polling stations have been set up for today's polling, while around 50 million voters will be eligible to exercise their right to vote.

For the first time in the UK, identification has been made mandatory to vote, the troubled British people expect the incoming government to find a quick and lasting solution to their problems.

Any political party or coalition of parties will need at least 326 seats to form the government after the elections.

After the election, the newly elected members will take oath in the Parliament session on July 9 and the Speaker will be elected.

It should be remembered that the term of the Conservative Party government in Great Britain was legally until January 2025, but on May 22, British Prime Minister Rishi Sonak announced early elections in the country.